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Motorcycle Accidents Lawyer

Denver Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

Motorcycles provide many people in Denver with the freedom and the opportunity to explore Colorado’s hundreds of open roads. They also act as a practical and fuel-efficient way to commute around the city with easy parking ability. However, travelling through high-traffic areas in Denver or unfamiliar roads in the mountains can be dangerous. In 2024, there were 21 deadly motorcycle accidents in the city of Denver alone. 
If you have been seriously injured or lost a loved one in a Denver motorcycle accident, our attorneys want to hear from you. We have over 25 years of experience representing clients in personal injury cases and helping victims claim the compensation that they deserve. Whether you are seeking compensation for medical bills and lost wages or interested in pursuing a wrongful death claim for a family member, Fiedler Trial Lawyers is here for you every step of the way. 

How Do Motorcycle Accidents Happen?

Accidents involving motorcycles are more likely to result in serious injury than those involving another car. The lack of protection that a motorcycle offers makes riders highly vulnerable to serious bodily injury, especially if they are not wearing the recommended protective gear when riding. While accidents are bound to happen, many motorcycle accidents are avoidable. Here are some of the leading causes of motorcycle accidents in Denver, Colorado:
  1. Driver Inattention: One of the most common causes of Denver motorcycle accidents is drivers failing to notice motorcycle riders on the road. Because motorcycles are much smaller than the average vehicle, they can easily get lost in a driver’s blind spot. Drivers who switch lanes or make turns without noticing a motorcycle rider can cause serious accidents. Left turn accidents are especially common in motorcycle cases. 
  2. Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Accidents: Almost half of all fatal motorcycle accidents involve alcohol impairment in the motorcycle rider. Motorcyclists riding under the influence will have significantly slower reaction times and a higher tendency to drive recklessly. 
  3. Speeding: In almost 56% of fatal motorcycle accidents in 2021, the motorcycle rider was speeding at the time of the accident. Speeding is a predominant factor in car accidents, truck accidents, and motorcycle accidents. The impact of an accident is greatly exaggerated when one or more of the vehicles involved were speeding. 
  4. Distracted Driving: Distracted driving, which includes behavior like eating, texting, talking on the phone, or using your in-car entertainment system, is a leading cause of all auto accidents. Taking your eyes off of the road for even a split second can lead to a life-changing accident. Drivers and motorcyclists who drive distracted pose a serious threat to themselves and those on the road around them.
  5. Single-Vehicle Accidents: Whether a motorcycle rider is inexperienced, driving recklessly, or dealing with poor conditions on the road, single-vehicle accidents are incredibly common among motorcycle riders. In fact, nearly 1 in 4 motorcycle accidents do not involve another vehicle. 
Weather is rarely a factor in motorcycle accident cases, as most riders choose to not ride their bikes in adverse weather at all. However, riding in poor conditions or on poorly maintained roads can easily lead to an accident. 
If you have been injured in a Denver motorcycle accident, our team is here to help you. Regardless of how the accident occurred, our firm is available to offer you a free, detailed case review and help you explore all of your legal options. Trust the experts at Fiedler Trial Lawyers to handle your motorcycle accident claim.

What Are the Most Dangerous Types of Motorcycle Accidents?

Motorcycle accidents are inherently dangerous due solely to the lack of protection that a motorcycle offers. When motorcycle riders or other vehicles on the road are driving recklessly, it can greatly increase the impact of an accident and make the injuries much more severe. Some examples of the most dangerous types of accidents that Denver motorcycle riders can be involved in include: 
  • Head-on Collisions: In any auto accident, head-on collisions are the most costly and dangerous type of accident to be involved in. A motorcycle rider that collides with another vehicle travelling in the opposite direction can be sent flying from their bike and suffer serious, life-altering injuries. Head-on collisions are the leading cause of death for motorcycle riders involved in an accident with another vehicle. 
  • Left-Hand Turns: Earlier, we touched on how left-hand turns are a common scenario in which motorcycle accidents occur. Intersections are perhaps some of the most dangerous places for motorcycle riders. According to the National Highway and Traffic Administration (NHTSA), roughly 40% of all motorcycle accidents are caused by a driver crossing into the motorcyclist’s lane during a left-hand turn. 
  • Lane Splitting Accidents: In Colorado, lane splitting is illegal. Lane splitting is when a motorcycle rides between two lanes of moving vehicles. Accidents can easily happen when a motorcycle is lane splitting if a car changes lanes unexpectedly or fails to see the motorcycle next to them. 
  • Rear-End Collisions: When these accidents happen with two vehicles, they are known for giving the front driver whiplash and potential neck injuries. However, when rear-end collisions involve a motorcycle, they can launch the rider off of their bike, resulting in serious injury or possibly even death. 
As is the case in any accident, the significance of the impact depends on the size and speed of the other vehicle involved. Serious accidents involving motorcycles will usually send the rider flying off their bike. The injuries that can be sustained from the impact of the accident and hitting the ground is serious, let alone the possibility of being further injured by other cars in traffic when the rider lands in the road. 
Many of these accidents are avoidable. Drivers who clearly use their signals, yield to bikers, and drive with caution are much less likely to be involved in an accident with a motorcycle rider. If you have been injured in a Denver motorcycle accident, our firm is here to help you claim compensation. 

What Are the Common Injuries After a Motorcycle Accident?

It is no secret that motorcycle accidents can lead to serious injury and sometimes even death. The severity of your injuries after an accident varies based on the type of accident, the size and speed of other vehicles involved, whether or not you were wearing a helmet, and many other factors. 
For those who are fortunate enough to survive a serious motorcycle accident, there are a wide range of injuries that they may still have to endure, including:
  • Head and Brain Injuries: Victims of motorcycle accidents often suffer significant head and brain injuries, either from direct contact with the other vehicle or from being thrown off their bike and hitting the road. These injuries are serious, though they can often be prevented or at least minimized with the use of a helmet. Concussions, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), and skull fractures are common examples of head and brain injuries in a motorcycle accident. 
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: These injuries can be especially damaging and have lifelong consequences for victims. High-impact collisions can compress or sever your spinal cord, often resulting in permanent disability. Injuries like herniated discs, fractured vertebrae, and paralysis are unfortunately common in these accidents. Wearing a strong, protective jacket while riding can help reduce the impact of these injuries. 
  • Internal Injuries: The significant impact of a motorcycle accident can cause internal injuries that you may not even notice immediately after the accident. It is highly important that you seek medical attention to address all of your apparent injuries, as well as any injuries like internal bleeding, damaged organs, or punctured lungs. Some internal injuries can be life-threatening if not treated promptly. 
  • Fractured or Broken Bones: Many victims of motorcycle accidents suffer broken arms, legs, ribs, and other bones. The impact from another vehicle is enough to break or fracture a limb, not to mention the impact from hitting the ground or having your bike fall on top of you. These injuries can often lead to surgeries and lengthy recovery. 
  • Neck Injuries: Neck injuries are also common after a motorcycle accident. The sudden jerking motion after being struck by another vehicle can cause your neck to snap back and cause whiplash, a fractured vertebra, and possible soft tissue damage. Wearing a helmet can help minimize the impact of these injuries as well. 
  • Road Rash: Road rash and abrasions to your skin are incredibly common in motorcycle accidents. Cuts or injuries to the skin can lead to deep wounds that could result in infection and even require a graft. Protective clothing can help prevent or minimize road rash in motorcycle accidents. 
Helmets don’t just minimize your injuries; they save lives. Fiedler Trial Lawyers and our team have seen the devastating effects of not wearing a helmet during a motorcycle accident far too often. We strongly urge all motorcyclists in Denver, Colorado, and beyond to wear a helmet when riding. Even if you completely trust yourself and think that you could never be involved in an accident, you never know how other drivers are going to act.
We have helped countless clients recover damages in personal injury cases and motorcycle accident cases specifically for years. Our team can help you gather evidence, determine fault in your accident, and claim compensation for your injuries. If you have been seriously injured or lost a loved one in a Denver motorcycle accident, you do not have to go through it alone. Our team is always here to help and can offer a free, detailed review of your case. 

What Damages Can I Recover in My Motorcycle Accident Case?

After suffering serious injuries in a motorcycle accident, victims are often forced to miss work, spending excessive time in the hospital or at home recovering. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident that has left you with costly medical bills, Fiedler Trial Lawyers can help. We have helped our clients recover economic and noneconomic damages in motorcycle accident and personal injury cases for decades, and we can help you too.

Economic Damages

Economic damages refer to the compensation that victims of motorcycle accidents may be able to claim for any out-of-pocket expenses that they have incurred after suffering their injuries. Most often this includes:
  • Medical bills
  • Hospital stays
  • Surgeries
  • Medication
  • Physical therapy
  • Ongoing medical expenses
  • Lost wages (time missed at work)
  • Property damage
These are just a few examples of recoverable economic damages after a Denver motorcycle accident. Victims should keep a record of any payments they have made as a result of the accident, keeping receipts and documentation to help calculate their losses. Whether you are seeking compensation for medical bills, wage replacement, or property damage, our firm can help. 
We also have experience helping our clients recover noneconomic damages after an accident, as we fully understand the emotional and psychological impact that a serious accident can have on victims. Examples of noneconomic damages that may be available in your motorcycle accident case include:
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment for life
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Disfigurement
While these losses are intangible and are not calculated as easily, our firm can help you put a value on the personal and emotional impact that the accident and the aftermath have had on your life. 
If you have been injured in a Denver motorcycle accident, Fiedler Trial Lawyers can help you claim the compensation that you are entitled to for your suffering. We are here to help discuss your case, consider all of the available damages, and get you and your family back on a path toward a normal life. 

Motorcycle Laws in Denver, Colorado

Colorado has a number of different laws in place aimed at keeping motorcycle riders safer on our roads. Even with these laws in place, motorcycle riders are still at a high risk of an accident when riding in high-traffic areas, especially if they are not wearing a helmet or other protective gear. In Denver, a motorcyclist’s compliance with the law could affect the outcome of their case. Here are some important laws in Denver that motorcycle riders should familiarize themselves with and how it can impact their accident if they fail to obey them: 

Lane Filtering

In Colorado, lane filtering is completely legal. Lane filtering is when a motorcycle rider passes a vehicle that is travelling in the same lane as them when traffic is at a complete stop. This is most commonly done at stoplights or areas where traffic is heavy. A new law was passed in Colorado on August 7 of 2024 legalizing lane filtering for motorcycle riders. Not only does lane filtering improve the flow of traffic, but it also greatly reduces a motorcyclist’s chance of being rear-ended by another car or truck. When filtering lanes, motorcycle riders are required to go 15 miles per hour or slower and pass on the left without entering another lane. 

Lane Sharing

Motorcyclists are allowed to share their lane with another motorcycle rider, not with any other vehicles. Bikers have the option to ride side by side with a partner, though they should maintain clear and constant communication to avoid any accidents. 

Lane Splitting

Lane splitting, which is different from lane filtering, is prohibited in the state of Colorado. Lane splitting is the act of passing other moving vehicles on the road, often while weaving between lanes. Lane splitting raises safety concerns for both motorcycle riders and other drivers on the road. Lane splitting is a major cause of motorcycle accidents, as it can be difficult to predict the patterns and decisions of other drivers. Cars that unexpectedly change lanes or fail to see a motorcycle rider in their blind spot can cause a serious accident that could lead to significant injuries for the motorcycle rider who was splitting lanes illegally. 

Helmet Laws

In the state of Colorado, motorcycle riders over the age of 18 are not required to wear helmets while riding. All riders under the age of 18 must wear a helmet. Helmets are proven to save lives, and the team at Fiedler Trial Lawyers strongly recommends the use of a helmet when riding a motorcycle, especially for beginner riders. 
We also strongly urge riders to wear a protective jacket that will protect them from serious spinal cord injuries and other injuries. While helmets and jackets are not legally required, all motorcycle riders are required to wear some form of eye protection when riding, whether that be goggles, a visor, or protective eyeglasses. 


Motorcycle riders in Colorado are required to have at least one working headlight on the front of their bike and no more than two at a time. The headlight should be on at all hours of the day when it is in operation, night or day. All bikes are also required to have one red taillight on the back of their bike and an operative brake light as well. Motorcycle riders must use their turn signals whenever it is necessary, the same way that a car or truck would. Bikes should also have a light illuminating their license plate so that it is visible from at least 50 feet away. Flashing lights are not permitted for everyday motorcycle riders in Denver. 
Remaining compliant with all of these laws will help you avoid traffic tickets and keep you protected. We understand the thrill that comes with riding a motorcycle, though riding safely is more important than anything. Wearing protective gear can help minimize the impact of an accident greatly, and having the proper lighting can help avoid accidents altogether. Motorcyclists who were lane splitting at the time of their accident or disobeying traffic laws may share liability in an accident. 
If you have been injured in a Denver motorcycle accident, call Fiedler Trial Lawyers today. Our firm has a deep understanding of these cases and the laws surrounding them, and we are well prepared to handle your case with confidence and care. 

Contact Fiedler Trial Lawyers Today for Your Motorcycle Accident Case

If you have been seriously injured or lost a loved one as a result of a Denver motorcycle accident, contact Fiedler Trial Lawyers today. We understand the toll that these accidents can take on victims and their families. Despite accounting for only 3% of vehicle registrations in the United States, motorcycle accidents account for approximately 14% of all traffic fatalities. While motorcycles offer Denver residents the freedom to traverse Colorado’s beautiful open roads, they can also be involved in some of the most serious and life-altering accidents. 
The team at Fiedler Trial Lawyers strongly encourages all Denver motorcyclists to ride safely and use protective gear while riding. 
Our team is available to help you recover both economic and noneconomic damages in your motorcycle accident case. 
  • Economic damages: This refers to any compensation that you are able to claim for any out-of-pocket expenses you have incurred as a result of your accident. This most commonly includes things like hospital stays, medical bills, treatment, medications, physical therapy, and more. We can also help you claim compensation for the damage to your motorcycle and any other personal property that was damaged or lost in the accident. 
  • Noneconomic damages: This compensation is for your pain and suffering, or the mental anguish and distress that you have suffered or have to continue to live with because of your accident. Many victims of these traumatic accidents will develop feelings of anxiety and fear of returning to the road. Victims who have had their lives greatly impacted or lost a loved one in an accident may experience feelings of great depression as well. Our team can help you recover damages for the tangible losses, as well as your mental suffering after an accident. 
Our team has proven experience recovering millions of dollars for our clients in personal injury cases and more over the past 25 years. Just take a look at some of the cases that we have won:
  • We helped one of our clients recover a settlement of $250,000 after being struck by a passenger vehicle and fracturing their leg. 
  • In another case, Fiedler helped a client recover over $150,000 when an accident resulted in cervical and lumbar back injuries. 
We can help handle your motorcycle accident case and provide legal expertise in many other key areas of your life as well. Fiedler Trial Lawyers can offer expert legal support in areas such as:
Come see why individuals and families in Denver have trusted Fiedler Trial Lawyers with their legal troubles for over 25 years. Do not wait. Call us today or connect with us online to schedule your free consultation and receive your detailed case review. The personal injury attorneys at Fiedler Trial Lawyers can truly make a difference in your motorcycle accident case. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Colorado follows a modified comparative negligence rule, which means you can recover damages even if you were partially at fault, as long as you were less than 50% responsible for the accident. However, your compensation will be reduced by your percentage of fault. A Denver motorcycle accident attorney can help demonstrate the other party’s negligence and work to minimize your share of fault.

If your motorcycle accident claim is denied by the insurance company, it’s important to act quickly. Begin by reviewing the reason for the denial and gather any missing or additional evidence that may strengthen your case, such as medical records, witness statements, or accident reports. A Denver motorcycle accident attorney can evaluate your claim, handle disputes with the insurance company, and, if necessary, take legal action to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Hiring a Denver-based attorney ensures you receive representation from someone familiar with Colorado’s motorcycle accident laws and local court systems. We understand the specific challenges motorcyclists face in Colorado, such as weather conditions and road hazards. If you’ve been injured, reach out to Fiedler Law for experienced legal guidance. We are committed to fighting for your rights and securing the compensation you deserve.

Additional Information in Denver, Colorado

More Frequently
Asked Questions

What to do after a car accident?

If you’ve been injured in an accident, there are several important steps you should take to protect your health and legal rights
  • Dial 911 – Emergency Services. Get checked out by emergency responders, even if you think injuries are minor, you should always get evaluated. If the accident involved a motor vehicle, file a report with the police This documentation could be important later on.
  • Document the Scene: If possible, take photos of the accident scene, your injuries, and any damage to vehicles or property. Collect contact information from witnesses and others involved in the accident READ MORE…

When involved in a personal injury claim, the process can be very intimidating. Many individuals facing this situation are often dealing with life-altering injuries, high medical bills, financial hardships and find themselves feeling very vulnerable.

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After being injured in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, you may be wondering if you actually need to hire a personal injury lawyer. You would want to consult with an attorney, because in most cases, there will be an opposing party in your case that will be working against you. Choosing the right personal injury lawyer for your case is important to ensure you receive the best possible representation and outcome. Hiring a Denver Personal injury lawyer that specializes in that area of law is crucial, to ensure that you are getting proper representation, and your case is in good hands. Having an experienced lawyer like FIEDLER Trial Lawyers is helpful and provides powerful representation.

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The cost of hiring a personal injury lawyer can vary depending on the lawyer and the specifics of your case. However, personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, which means they only get paid if they win your case. Here’s how the contingency fee structure typically works and other potential costs to consider:

Contingency Fees: Percentage of Recovery: If the lawyer works on a contingency fee basis, they will take a percentage of the settlement or judgment amount you receive if you win your case. This percentage is typically around 33% to 40% but can vary depending on the lawyer and the jurisdiction.

No Win, No Fee: If you do not win your case, the lawyer will not charge you for legal fees. However, there may still be other costs you could be responsible for (discussed below).RAED MORE…

In a personal injury claim, you may be entitled to several types of compensation, also known as damages, to address the losses and injuries you’ve suffered due to someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing. The types of compensation typically fall into three main categories: economic, non-economic, and, in some cases, punitive damages. Here’s an overview of each:

Economic Damages: These damages are intended to compensate you for actual financial losses resulting from the injury:

Medical Expenses: Compensation for past, current, and future medical costs, including hospital bills, surgeries, medications, rehabilitation, and any other necessary medical treatment. READ MORE…

The value of a personal injury case can vary greatly depending on several factors unique to your situation. Since each case is different, there is no standard formula to calculate the exact value. However, here are some key factors that generally affect the worth of a personal injury case:
Severity of Injuries: The more serious and long-lasting your injuries, the higher the potential value of your case. This includes considering whether your injuries result in permanent disability or disfigurement.
Medical Expenses: Your case will take into account all medical expenses you have incurred, as well as future medical costs related to your injury.
Lost Wages and Earning Capacity: The case can include compensation for lost income due to time off work and any future loss of earning capacity if your injuries affect your ability to work.READ MORE…

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